The NSW Electoral Commission will be conducting local council elections on Saturday, 14th of September 2024, for the election of Councillors. If you are an Australian citizen aged 18 years or more, you are required to enrol and vote. If you do not vote, you may receive a penalty notice.
Parkes Mayor Neil Westcott said “I want to take a moment to talk about voting in this year’s election. You will, for the first time, be offered the choice of placing a vote above the line for two groups of men or taking an extra minute to number at least 1 to 5 – and preferably 1 to 10 – below the line for a diverse Council.
My hope is that the residents of Parkes Shire will recognise candidates on the Ballot paper who will give the next 4 years of their life to being a positive force on your behalf.
Parkes Shire right now needs stable and diverse leadership, I humbly ask that you keep Parkes Shire Independent and Community Driven.”Forbes Mayor Phyllis Miller said “I encourage you to find out about all the candidates before voting on election day. This is your opportunity to elect a Council that best represents you, our community. We are very lucky in Forbes as we only have ten excellent candidates, eight of whom were on the last Council and two new candidates.
I have full confidence the community will elect another great Council.”