Parkes Phoenix

Vital Flood Mitigation Program Extended

The extent of the flooding in Forbes at 5:30pm on Wednesday with the level at the Iron Bridge at 10.676m. The Camp Street bridge in the foreground is completely submerged with only the light poles sticking out. (Photo: Craig Dwyer)

A program designed to reduce the risk and impact of flood events across towns in inland NSW has been extended thanks to a $3 mil­lion Australian Government grant. The Improving Floodplain Con­nections – Urban Protection Program is a risk-reduction program that targets existing flood works. Since 2022, it has been working to restore hydrological connectivity across northern basin flood­plains of inland NSW. The expansion will:

• Help determine a remediation pathway to modify and approve flood works, working closely with landholders.

• Raise awareness and help communities better understand the rules around Floodplain Management Plans, which will improve compliance culture.

• Continue meaningful engagement and collaboration with First Nations communities, landholders and other key stakeholders.

• Build on the Improving Floodplain Connections Program work to date and will help mitigate against flooding to towns in highrisk locations, including in Moree, Bourke, Forbes, Moama, Nar­romine, Walgett, Hay, Condobolin and in other inland towns and communities.

NSW DCCEEW Director Healthy Floodplains Project Delivery Alastair McKenzie-McHarg said “We have identified 14 Local Gov­ernment Areas across inland NSW where flood works pose known risks, and have received strong support for the program.

“Expanding the Improving Floodplain Connections Program will build on the critical work done to date, and deliver a coordinated approach for these high-risk locations to mitigate against flooding to towns across our state’s west.

“Flooding remains one of the biggest natural disaster threats to the people of NSW. This program takes another vital step towards remediating the most high-risk flood works.”

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