Parkes Shire Council has committed funding to develop the Parkes CBD Vibrancy Strategy. This strategy aims to engage with stakeholders to develop new ideas and urban renewal projects to make the centre of Parkes more attractive to customers. Parkes Shire Council Mayor Ken Keith OAM said, “The Parkes CBD is an energetic and enterprising business centre that serves a large regional catchment in Central NSW. As the main centre for the Shire,
Parkes must develop its own vision and sense of place that captures the past and present, its unique natural attributes, rural setting and lifestyle.”
“To sustain this reality into the future requires a healthy, vibrant commercial centre that is robust enough to grow and accommodate the ever changing dynamics demanded of a modern country community,” Mayor Keith added.
The CBD Strategy will focus on six main areas including small wins, further designs, car parking, activation, incentives and maintenance. It will be available for public exhibition until 20th May and community members are encouraged to provide feedback by contacting the Council. Council staff will also be collecting feedback at the old CBA building between 11am and 2pm until 27th April and will host a public meeting on 2nd May at 6pm in the Council Chambers in Cecile Street.