Parkes Phoenix

Thurlstone For Quality

Thurlstone Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Studs can stand up to its legitimate claim of one of the nation’s top breeders. It has behind it a swag of awards and prizes, including Most Successful Exhibitor at the Sydney and Melbourne Royal shows, and grand champion prizes from shows throughout the Central West. 

The stock forms the base of the reputable studs, originally established as a Dorset stud at Cookamidgera over 75 years ago by Ron Hawken. Son, Richard, has expanded on the reputation of excellence with diversification to include Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams. His strong interest in the industry started during his 1960s primary school years. “An indication of the success of the stud is the fact that it is free of diseases,” said Richard. “Accredited brucellosis free, Ovine Johnne’s MN3 status and footrot free.” 

Poll Dorsets are one of the most popular prime lamb sires in Australia, with about 50% of lambs marketed as Dorset crossed. Another open-faced, clean legged meat sheep popular with buyers is the White Suffolk. 

For more information, contact Richard Hawken on 6866 1214. 

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