Parkes Phoenix

Third Annual Parkes Yard Dog Trial

Locals are encouraged to register before the 10th June (no late entries).

Parkes Yard Dog Trial will be held on 18th and 19th June at the Parkes Showground and organisers are looking forward to welcoming competitors from throughout NSW and Victoria.

The trial will be run in conjunction with NSW Yard Dog Association. Competing dogs accumulate points towards end of year championships.

There will be a local section for dogs that reside within 100km radius of Parkes. The locals that competed last years had an enjoyable time trialling their dogs and were encouraged by the support from the judges and the other competitors. It would be great to see more local competitors this year.

The starting time each day is 7.30am and the public are encouraged to come along and have a look.

The event is fortunate to receive strong sponsorship support from the following businesses: Inland Petroleum, Westonfence, Quality Wool, Wakely Shearing, Tanswell Transport, Nick Williams Livestock Pregnancy Scanning, Agriwest, AA Blatch, Nutrien Ag, Dwyer Contracting, Timtrac Industries, Parkes Central Butchery and CopRice.

Parkes RFS Headquarters will be catering and coffee will also be available.

For enquiries about the event please contact Bernard Dwyer on 0428 653 233.

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