Parkes Phoenix

The Lachlan Floods Of 22

The Lachlan’s seen some mighty floods, since records first were wrote

And those along the river flats, make sure they own a boat

We’re seeing now the worst flood the locals ever knew

They’re saying it’s the equal to the one in fifty two

The river now is angry, and our catchment needs relief

A wall of water rushing down, it’s just beyond belief

Cowra was the first to feel the rivers mighty sting

That water from Wyangala was like a living thing

The next in line Eugowra,

the very worst they say

An inland sea came rushing down, and washed the town away

Tore houses from foundations to make impair complete

And washed these buildings blocks away to somewhere down the street

And then it left a war zone, for some a living hell

And if the town can be rebuilt, it’s still too soon to tell

Loss of life can’t be replaced, and love ones mourn their loss

The water took what was their life, natures still our boss

And still the flood kept

rushing on an angry evil beast

Looking for a victim, and somewhere else to feast

And sure enough old Forbes was there, and it was on alert

Regardless of their efforts though, this flood is gonna hurt

The Forbes lagoon was filling up, and spreading through the town

Despite a million sandbags, old Forbes was going down

With water quickly rising, the town was cut in three

And aerial photograph, would show an inland sea

Then after Forbes was Condo, and on and on it went

To every town still in its path, from hell where it was sent

But what about our heroes, the ones we can’t forget

Where ever help was needed, they were there I bet

Heroes to Boys in the Bush, that group who help us all

Of course our mighty SES, I hope they’re standing tall

Then the army came along to lend a helping hand

For helicopter rescue, and filling bags with sand

There’s many more to mention, but space just don’t allow

Selfless acts of kindness, these folk should take a bow

The way we stand in crises, working side by side

makes me feel quite humble, my chest swells out with pride

It shows the best in people, why can’t this always be

Not only when the flood returns, to form that inland sea

Well, l’ll leave it there, with peace of mind we watch the waters go

And hope our Lachlan River keeps a calm and peaceful flow ….

By Nev Molloy
19 November 2022


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