Parkes Phoenix

Spring Walks For The NPA Lachlan Valley

The National Parks Association of NSW Lachlan Valley Branch have released their walks calendar for spring 2024.

• Sunday 15th September: SWWNR Cookamidgera. Meet at gate on Coon­ambro Way at 9am. Leader Martin Bell 0429 346 586. Medium 6kms.

• Wednesday 9th October: Back Yamma SF. Meet at gate on Forest East Rd off Parkes-Eugowra Rd at 9.30am. Contact Liz MacRaild 0455 915 989. Easy 7kms.

• Wednesday 13th November: “Kokoda” Northparkes Mines Offset Block. Meet at Lions Park, Molong Road, Parkes at 9am. Leader Martin Bell 0429 346 586. Medium 6kms.

• Wednesday 4th December: Christmas Party Bumberry Dam. Meet at 5pm for walk then picnic. BYO everything includ­ing chair, food either to be shared or eat your own as people prefer.

Please contact the listed walk leader the night before the walk if you intend to come.

A $2 donation for each walker is appreci­ated. New walkers are always welcome.

Walkers are reminded to bring along enough food and water for the entire day as well as suitable clothing, footwear, hat and sunscreen. A pair of good binoculars and a fold up chair for the post- walk cuppa is rec­ommended.

Easy: (5 to 10 kilometres) Mostly flat to slightly undulating topography. Walks are mostly on tracks or fire trails and of moder­ate distance. Suitable for those with a mini­mum level of fitness.

Medium: (5 to 8 kilometres) May be over moderate hills or rough terrain. May involve some off track walking. Walk may involve shorter distance overall due to rougher con­ditions. Suitable for an average fitness level.

Hard: (5 or more kilometres) Walk may in­volve hilly or mountainous terrain, rough tracks, a trackless route or an extended distance. Walk suitable for above average fitness level.

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