Garden owner Karen Ritchie was thrilled with her laven-der plant she received from the Que Club after the annual Open Gardens event had to be cancelled.
COVID 1 vs Open Gardens 0
This is not the score line our Que Club had hoped for, but sadly we had to cancel the annual Open Gardens event that was scheduled for this Sunday. A tremendous amount of work by our Garden committee goes into planning and arranging this event, while the owners of the gardens spend enormous hours into making sure that their gardens are looking at their very best on the day. Que Club would like to thank them all most sincerely for their work and enthusiasm, and as a token of our appreciation, we have presented all the owners with a lavender plant which we hope will bloom beautifully and profusely in their gardens.
By Pam Nankivell
The Blue Plaques Program
Communities across the state can nominate heritage places linked to notable personalities and events for recognition as part of the NSW Blue Plaques program. The Parkes Shire Council is seeking suggestions from the community of stories that are interesting, quirky, and fun, along with more sombre stories that should be not be forgotten as part of our history. Send your ideas to tourism@parkes.nsw.gov.au. To find out more, visit www.heritage.nsw.gov.au.
Pink Up
The Parkes Evening VIEW (Voice, Interest and Education of Women) Club is going pink at its next meeting on 26th October at Bushman Motor Inn. Breast Cancer Nurse Diane Green will be the guest speaker and everyone is invited to join in the pink night. Ring Janet Offner on 6862 2950 by Saturday, 23rd October to book in. The meeting time is 6:30pm for 7pm.
Discover Vouchers
The Dine and Dis-cover Voucher program has been extended to 30 June 2022. You can buy gift vouchers from Parkes Musical and Dramatic Society for future productions in 2022 using your Discover vouchers. Send an email to parkesmandd@gmail.com.
Keeping The Roads Safe This Harvest
Agricultural machinery owners and operators are invited to get road ready for the 2021 harvest season, by picking up a free ‘Moving Harvest Machinery’ USB from all agricultural machinery retailers and rural supply stores in the Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shires areas, as well as at the Councils’ Administration Offices. The USB contains all the relevant notices for safely and legally moving agricultural machinery, combinations and trucks on the road along with other useful harvest safety information.

Pick up a free ‘Moving Harvest Machinery’ USB to get road ready for the 2021 harvest season.