What did you love about primary school, and what are you looking forward to when you start high school?
Molly Smith – Middleton Public School Year 6: Probably the best thing about my time at Middleton was being a prefect, and having that opportunity. I’ve loved how supportive the teachers are, and of course my friends. I’m going to Parkes High, and I’m excited about all the different subjects we’ll get to do.
Nick Glasson – Parkes Public School Year 6: I loved having the opportunity to meet new friends and be a leader at the school. All the teachers are friendly and it’s really fun. I’m going to Parkes High School, which will be an opportunity to learn more and meet new friends.
Sam Airey – Holy Family Primary School Year 6: I’ve really enjoyed primary school. All the teachers are really nice, and you’ve got a lot of your mates in your class. Next year I’ll be going to Red Bend Catholic College and it’ll be good to meet new friends from all around. I’m looking forward to doing new subjects, like woodwork and metalwork.