Parkes Phoenix

Parkes Shire Garage Sale Trail

Left to right – Cr Bill Jayet, Sharyn Ware -Waste Manage­ment Coordinator, Pat McCallum – Holy Family Parish Boot Sale Coordinator, and Committee Members Lynn and Wayne Rogers.

Clear out, cash in, and join Australia’s larg­est second-hand treasure hunt as the Ga­rage Sale Trail comes to Parkes Shire this weekend and next.

The Holy Family Boot Sale, a highlight of the event, will take place on Saturday 9th November, from 9am to 1pm at the Holy Family School Oval, Albert Street, Parkes.

The Holy Family Boot Sale Coordinator, Mrs Pat McCallum, said Holy Family Par­ish are looking to raise funds. Sellers can register for a $20 car boot site fee, then all profit made is your own.

“Mark it in your diary. We’re selling eve­rything from handmade goods to antiques and even locally made pottery. There really will be something for everyone!,” Mrs Mc­Callum said.

“Not only will you find second-hand de­lights in your neighbourhood and help keep stuff from landfill, you’ll also help our Parish to continue to work within the community,” Mrs McCallum said.

The event promises more than just bar­gains, with a delicious morning tea and sausage sizzle available for lunch for all visitors. A $500 fuel raffle will also be drawn at the end of the day.

Cr Bill Jayet is encouraging everyone to get involved, highlighting the value of reus­ing items within the community.

“It’s fantastic to see Parkes Shire lead­ing the way in sustainable practices by em­bracing this event. I encourage everyone to get out there, explore what’s on offer, and support our community,” Cr Jayet added.

For more information about the Holy Family Boot Sale, contact Pat McCallum on 0408 623 199.

To find out about other garage sales that are happening in the Parkes Shire, visit

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