There has been a lot said regarding the future of the Parkes Bypass. I have been in continual contact with Transport for NSW (TfNSW), including the Minister, and consequently I have no concern about the complete delivery of the bypass, including the Victoria Street Bridge.
The negative media on this project is at best mischievous. In my view TfNSW have done a great job consulting with the public then amending the design to address concerns. There is always compromise and construction impacts, and the occurrence of naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) was very unfortunate, but no one’s fault.
There are around 1200 trucks a day on Bogan Street, that is nearly 1 per minute, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, and by all predictions that is set to double.
Council worked with TfNSW, ensuring a seamless access to Parkes from both ends of the bypass and creating a convenient central entry point at the Condobolin Road intersection. This guarantees smooth passage for travellers eager to explore our town, not just pass through. Council is actively developing plans for the western entry route, further enhancing accessibility and inviting visitors to delve deeper into Parkes’ unique offerings. We’re transforming into a sought-after destination rather than a pitstop along the way.
Once the bypass is finished, it presents Parkes with an opportunity to become a thriving destination for highway travellers, offering quiet accommodation, pubs, clubs, eateries, shops, a strong service sector, clever agile businesses and a welcoming community.
For more information
Mayor, Neil Westcott