How long have you lived in Parkes and what do you like about living here?
All my life – 84 years. My family has been in Parkes since 1862. I am a local girl, Parkes is my home. I went away to do nursing and came back. I just love Parkes and Forbes.
Where do you work and what do you enjoy about your work?
I am President of the Historical Society. I work at the Henry Parkes Museum every day. I love the history of our area and to see the old machines working. It tells the story of our gold mining and agricultural history.
What do you do to unwind after work or on weekends?
I spent most of my life teaching swimming, but not this year. I like to read, do crossword puzzles and look after my seven cats and the five kittens I saved from the gutter.
What are you really good at?
Talking, but I’ll have a go at everything. I would say I am an all round person and love being a sticky beak.
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
I believe we live in such an absolutely fabulous world: from growing up in the war as a child when we had very little to today where we have the internet. This ability to communicate with people in- stantly anywhere in the world is like having a super power – that is just incredible!
Tell us about your best holiday ever.
As children we went to Rose Bay in Sydney during the war time. The Japanese subma- rines were in the harbour and we saw the soldiers at the golf club. It left a big impres- sion on me – I was about eight years old.