Parkes Phoenix

Our Bloke – Chendu Jiang

Chendu Jiang

Chendu Jiang

Where were you born? Sichuan, China.

Were you named after anyone? Not at all.

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of? Finishing the uni that I always hated!

What historical moment stands out most in your memory? I got detained by police for a toy gun as a 10-year old.

What’s the single best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Give it a go, it’ll be alright.

What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken? I went to Iran as a backpacker at 19.

What are the three things you would take to a deserted island? Ship, fuel, Starlink.

If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it? Stock shares …

When are you happiest? Cooking my comfort food.

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