After a frosty start to the day, it was great to see everyone safe and back at junior netball after the three week break for the holidays. A big shout out to all the parents, friends and players who helped out with cleaning the birds’ mess, scoring, putting up and taking down the post pads and packing up the bibs and balls into the bags. Your help is
very much appreciated – thank you!
A reminder there will be no netball training today or tomorrow due to the Women’s Masters Hockey tournament held at the complex over the weekend. As a result, we have extended the season out by a week for all grades. Please ensure that you check our Facebook page for updates on dates and times.
Results Round 8
Division 1: Sapphires def Emeralds 38-22, most consistent: Paris Curr, Ally Bush
Diamonds def 12 Reps 37-25, most consistent: Lillie Fryer, Abigail Simpson
Division 2: Stars def Glitters 14-5, most consistent: Jorja Rusten, Aria Johnson
Super 8s: Magics def Rockettes 16-1, most consistent: Anna-rae, Leah van der Merwe
Twinkles def Hot Shots 39 – 2, most consistent: Annabelle van Wyk, Chloe Magill
By Lisa Nutley