Our Shire has certainly needed gumboots and winter woollies with the significant drop in temperature and wet weather this past week. Let’s hope all this lovely rain is setting our farming community up for a bumper spring.
Parkes polling for the 2016 Federal Election will commence from the 27th June at the Parkes Business Enterprise Centre. Opening hours are outlined on Council’s website or you can visit the Australian Electoral Commission website aec.gov.au for more detailed information.
Parkes Shire Council is currently upgrading the Parkes Waste Facility to make it more user friendly for customers as well as to allow for increased diversion of materials from landfill. Construction is underway to improve the efficiency, safety and environmental aspects of the facility. A comprehensive tree planting program is also planned for the perimeter of the facility to screen the operations from roads and nearby residences. The construction phase is scheduled for completion at the end of August 2016. As part of the upgrade of the facility, Council will also be implementing fees and charges at the site. The fees and charges that will be applied once the new facility is operational will not be significantly different from current fees and charges. Many of the waste fees and charges have
been reduced to encourage greater diversion of waste from landfill.
Enjoy a happy and safe weekend.
Yours Faithfully, Cr Ken Keith OAM