Parkes Phoenix

Make Love Count Again

We all crave love and companionship in our lives, so why ignore the celebration of love this Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, 14th February.

Think back to the beginning of a relationship where sparks flew, gazes longed and passion was ignited. What happened you must be thinking? Effort is the answer, and too often people slip into what is easy and comfortable. Make the change this Valentine’s Day and bring the romance back into your life.

Romance is the key to keeping that burning passion alive for one another. Whether it be big or small gestures, just make them count. Be thoughtful in giving and grateful in receiving. Be spontaneous, go on a daring adventure, cook a meal (even if you are a horrible cook), make something special (even if you don’t have a creative bone in you) and most importantly, listen. Listen to not only your loved one’s tedious rants and raves but his or her goals, aspirations, dreams, wants and desires. Get to know one another again, like really get to know each other.

Valentine’s Day is known as the day of roses, chocolates and cards but where did it actually come from and surely there is more to it?

It is believed that Valentine’s Day originated from the ancient Roman fertility festival Lupercalia. During this festival young women would place their names in a large urn, young men then drew a name out and whomever they drew they were now romantically linked to them for the next year.

Another version is that the day originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valen- tinus., and is recognised as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world.

According to Wikipedia, the day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards.

Whatever the origin of Valentine’s Day, why not celebrate what all humans crave in life, being loved. Celebrate it, rejoice in it and enjoy it.

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