Parkes Phoenix

Macca’s Says Thank You To Forbes And Parkes

Crew Members from Macca’s Forbes getting in the spirit on McHappy Day.

Aussies have rallied to help raise a remark­able $6.03 million for McHappy Day this year, with McDonald’s crew and customers showing up like never before to make this one of the most memorable McHappy Days in Australia to date.

The overwhelming support will provide more than 37,600 nights of accommoda­tion at Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) nationwide for families of seriously ill or injured children, so they can stay to­gether and close to the care they need, while undergoing surgery or treatment in hospital.

Licensee of McDonald’s Forbes and Parkes, Jenny McLeod said “The day was a huge success, with both (Parkes and Forbes) restaurants raising a combined amount of $9,500.

“We couldn’t have achieved this without our generous customers, motivated crew and dedicated management teams.

“The Parkes RFS were also greatly ap­preciated – they brought along one of their trucks and a huge bunch of volunteers, who helped with customer service and fundrais­ing on the day.”

This is the second consecutive year McHappy Day has raised over $6 million. All funds raised from McHappy Day go towards helping RMHC continue to support families in need through Ronald McDonald Houses, Family Rooms, Family Retreats, Hospital­ity Carts and Learning Program to support families through and after their child’s illness or injury.

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