Parkes Phoenix

Lovers Become Library Ambassadors

New Parkes Library Ambassadors for 2021 were announced last week. At the back are Cr Pat Smith, Emma Brown and Debbie Gould. Middle row: Molly Clohessy (Parkes Christian School), Evelyn Greef (Parkes Public), Anna Orr (Parkes Public) and Grace McGirr (Middleton). In front are Knox Lamont (Parkes Christian school), Toby Fliedner (Middleton) and John-Tian Waters (Parkes East).

Seven Parkes Library Ambassadors for 2021 received their badges at a special ceremony last week.

The Year 5 students represent four of the five primary schools in Parkes: Parkes Christian School, Parkes Public, Parkes East and Middleton. Debbie Gould, who runs the children and youth services team with Emma Brown, said it was very exciting to have the ambassador program running again this year.

“It was very difficult to choose from the 26 applications received as everyone did a wonderful job telling us why they wanted to be a library ambassador.”

Councillor Pat Smith handed each ambassador a Parkes Shire Library badge that they would be able to wear at school. “It is an amazing program for such a lovely library,” said Pat. “The program offer a great learning curve for the children.”

Year 5 students could apply for the role to promote and communicate what is happening at the Parkes Library with their respective school communities. The ambassadors will be invited to events at the library and write book reviews of new books. Debbie said they were also role models to Year 4 students who would like to apply for next year’s program.

The program was started in 2019 after a trial was run in 2018 and it was found that when students heard something from their peers it had more value.

As a bonus the ambassadors will be allowed to attend school holiday programs run at the library for free.

The school holiday activities for Kind-er to Year 6 will be still run next week on Wednesday and Friday morning at 10:30am with some space-themed fun and movies on the big screen. The Wednesday activity is $2 per child, and the Friday Flicks are free of charge.

Read more about the Youth Week activities on this page on offer from 16 – 24 April.

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