Dear Editor,
I would like to agree with a letter submitted in Issue 267 regarding the painting of our silos. I agree, and would suggest the following themes: farming, sheep and/or cropping, Parkes Radio Telescope, culture/indigenous, Elvis, railway and mining.
Cheers Wilbur
Dear Editor,
I have suggested once before to a member of Council about having the silos painted, as we all know it would be a great drawcard to the wonderful town of Parkes. I was told that the owners were not agreeable as the silos would need ongoing maintenance of the artwork. How do other towns manage that then is my question? Also, while the artist is at it, why don’t they paint up some of the gorgeous old railway carriages at the same time and the unsightly block of town flats on the corner near McDonalds, which is one of the first things that travellers see when they get off the Elvis train. Not a good look!
Just saying…
Liz Brown
Dear Editor
I proposed three years ago to have the silos painted and a local artist and printer was really keen to paint it. The silos are owned by the department of Agriculture and they have no objections if Parkes Council has no objections
Obviously, Council would want some input to approve any artwork of that scale. We put a proposal forward to Council’s communications team, but nothing came of it.
I also proposed we do a Vivid style projection on the silos, but that went nowhere as well.
I suggest you have a friendly chat with the communications team at Parkes Council to find out why our silos have not been painted.
Conrad Mill