Parkes Phoenix

Join Our Farmer’s In Canberra On 10th September

As a farmer, and head of the National Farmers’ Federation, I’m alarmed by the growing number of decisions being made in Canberra that aren’t about what’s best for farming.

It feels like we’re being drowned out by interest groups who want to tell a negative story about who we are and what we do.

Whether it’s banning live sheep exports, water buybacks, new taxes and red tape, or destroying productive agricultural land, these policies are being driven by people who don’t understand what we do.

On 10th Septembe, farmers from across Australia will meet outside Parliament House in Canberra to send a united mes­sage. We want to tell all parliamentarians ahead of the next election that they should listen to farmers, not anti-farming activists, when it comes to what’s best for our indus­try.

It’s our chance to come together and send a clear and positive message that we deserve a seat at the table, and we de­serve a fair go.

Join me as we come together as an in­dustry to celebrate the positive story of Aussie farming in the heart of Canberra.

David Jochinke,
President National Farmers’ Federation

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