Parkes Phoenix

How did the flood affect you?

Alice and Michele Clifton at Lachlan Laundry Services:

Michele: It is the third time in 12 months that we’ve taken out all the machines and we are very happy we did. The water came in the front at about 700mm and higher at the back. We had to rip out all the carpets today, and paint is coming off the wall in the back. It looks like the sandbags stopped most of the mud and debris from coming in. We consider ourselves lucky, as there are people who’ve had a lot more damage. We are not sure yet when we can reopen as we’d have to check all the electricity.

The community has been so supportive and people just walking past are asking us if they can help. We would also like to give a huge thumbs up to Lee and staff members from Ray White who came in to help rip up the carpets and get all the dry cleaning out.

Alice: I was eight years old in the 1952 flood and we were evacuated to Parkes. In 1974 I was in hospital having a baby. I’d say this flood was on par with the 1990 flood.


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