The management team at PETstock Country Parkes are Ainsley Newton, Ellie Littlewood and Shirilee Jackson with some of their favourite pets.
PETstock Country Parkes is the first PETstock Country branded store in NSW, and tomorrow is the grand opening with a family fun day from 10am to 2pm at 138 Clarinda Street.
“The whole community is invited to come and enjoy a free coffee from The Fat Parcel, watch the reptile show and display by Kym, the Reptile Man, support the charity barbeque run by Parkes Rescue and Rehoming and enjoy the 20% off sale storewide,” said Ellie Littlewood of the management team. The local station 2PK/RokFM will be live streaming from the store.
PETstock Country Parkes keeps a wide range of products for all pets from your horse to your dog, cat, bird, fish, reptile, rabbit or guinea pig.
According to another management team member Shirilee Jackson all pets’ needs are catered for with a huge selection of pet products including flea, tick and worming treatments, premium dog and cat food ranges, horse ranges and rural supplies.
The Parkes store has already established a working relationship with Parkes Rescue and Rehoming and adopt cats out in store on their behalf.
At the moment virtual puppy training is on offer online with a trainer with 20 years’ experience. “We are working towards opening a puppy school soon,” said Shirilee.
“We do not only focus on pets, but also cater for hobby farms and bigger farms with supplies of rural agricultural products like fencing and troughs,” said Ainsley Newton of the management team.
She said the store also had a wide range of equine products including locally sourced hay and chaff.
The management team of three supported by a casual staff complement of five are all locals with a wide range of knowledge of pets and local conditions. The store is open seven days a week.