Parkes Phoenix

Glenn Wilson – Group A

Hello Parkes Shire residents, my name is Glenn Wilson. I am running as a candidate in Group ‘A’ on the voting ballot paper for the upcoming Local Government election on Saturday, 4th December.

I say a NEW BROOM is needed to run through the entire Parkes Shire Council activities. We need a completely new set of councillors to enable this.

I believe that too many residents of our shire have had poor service from the Parkes Shire Council for far too long. I will seek to represent ALL residents in a fair and equitable way, not just a select few.

I stand against fraud and corruption and welcome full investigations into suspect land deals, tenders and council issued contracts. I would like to seek a review of how rate payer funds are being used and how funds could be better invested into the community.

There needs to be better planning to increase the availability of low-cost housing for the people that are on the breadline, and more protection for renting residents from huge price increases and evictions.

Other issues that concern me is the need for an improved home waste collection by having the RED lid garbage bins collected

every week, and better road maintenance. Some of our roads are in a terrible state, full of potholes and ruts, and poorly resealed over.

A big campaign is needed to have maternity returned to Parkes Hospital and to tell the Health Department bureaucrats to pull their head in. Many other needs are also required at the hospital.

The list of required investigations and changes to Council is too long to list here.

One or two new councillors will not change anything, only a majority, if not a complete new council, will.

Most people know me as the face of Betamix Concrete Parkes. My family has operated a quarry for 45 years, started by Colin (Shorty) Wilson and Eileen Wilson (Shorty’s Fashions) and a concrete plant for 29 years in Parkes. I have dealt with councils, bureaucrats, courts, barristers, politicians, police and tribunals and am not intimidated from my resolve to ensure the right thing is done.

If you want a better council to be more concerned about the residents that live here and much better roads and services, then vote 1 to 6 in GROUP A and 7 to 10 on the other side.

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