On Tuesday there were 38 players for Golf Croquet, and also a surprise birthday cake for morning tea. John Browne’s cake had a big number 80 on it. Four players won three games: N. Gilmore, E. Quirk, B. Scott and P. West. Big winners were: L. Strudwick & N. Jolliffe 11-2, J. Browne & J. Cole10-3, E. Quirk & B. Field 10-3, P. West & R. Burridge 10-3.
There were 32 players on Saturday for Aussie Croquet. Five players won three games. Russell Anderson, Geoff Coles, Merve Langfield, Kevin Rubie and Cheryl Toohey. The big winners were: J. Farah & R. Tool 14-7, R. Pols & J. Cole 14-7.
By Through The Hoop