The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has launched the third phase of the Don’t #uck With A Truck campaign, teaming up with young drivers to spread a critical message; to drive safely around trucks.
NHVR Acting Chief Operations Officer Michelle Tayler said by co-designing the new phase of the campaign with young drivers, the regulator has been able to create a series of road safety videos that use a combination of humour and serious messaging to engage young viewers.
“The new Don’t #uck With A Truck videos depict young drivers as ghosts after they have been in an accident with a truck due to their unsafe driving” Ms Tayler said.
“Even a minor distraction can have devastating consequences.
“Our goal is to prevent situations where an inexperienced driver could be in a lane next to a turning truck, they pull in front of a truck too soon or they linger in a truck’s blind spot.”
The campaign will be broadcast across social media including TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, meeting young drivers where they are consuming content.
For more information and to watch the latest videos, visit: