There were 30 players for Aussie Croquet on Saturday 16th September. Three players were able to win three games, Carolyn Neilsen, Harley Stewart and Barry White. The big winners on the day were 14 – 9 Noel Jolliffe and John Job. The mid winners were 14 – 10 Elvy Quirk and Neville Spry, John Allegri and Phillip Moran. Close games on the day included:
• Lorraine Todd and Neville Spry 14 KevinRubie and John Job 13
• Jamie and Tony Thomson 14 Robin Polsand Phillip Moran 12
• John Browne 14 Geoff Coles 12
• Harley Stewart and John Cole 14 ElvyQuirk and Russel Andrson 12
• Sandy Hepburn and Fay Picker 14 Kevinand Chris Rubie 12
• Robin Pols and Alex Todd 14 Tony andIndia Thomson 12
• John Farah and Geoff Coles 14 Noel Jolliffe and Tony Thomson 12
• Sandy Hepburn and Cheryle Toohey 14Elvy Quirk and Lyn Simmonds 12
• Harley Stewart and Alex Todd 14 PeterWest an Joan Litlejohn 12
• Kevin Rubie and Fay Picker 14 RusellAnderson and John Cole 12
• Carolyn Neilsen and Peter West 14 JohnBrowne and John Farah 11
• Joan Littlejohn and Cheryle Toohey 14Lyn Simmonds and Geoff Coles 11
• Harley Stewart and Barry White 14 FayPicker and Rusell Anderson 11
• John Cole and Noel Jolliffe 14 John Farah and India Thomson 11
• Carolyn Neilsen and John Allegri 14 LynSimmonds and Marie Spry 11
• John Farah and Jamie Thomson 14Cheryle Toohey and Phillip Moran 11
• Peter West and Barry White 14 Jill Rubieand Joan Littlejohn 11
• Carolyn Neilsen and John Browne 14Robin Pols and Jill Rubie 11
• Barry White and Lorraine Todd 14 JohnJob and Nevile Spry 11
By Pegging Out