Bulky Waste Collection: Parks Shire Council will be providing a bulky waste kerb-side collection from Monday, 5th to Friday, 16th September for larger items. It will also help to divert items suitable for recycling from landfill. Items are to be placed neatly next to the edge of the kerb and secured to avoid windblown littering. The total volume of waste must not exceed two cubic meters. Mattresses will be collected via a separate service during this time, and green waste will not be accepted during this round.
Get Skilled For Free: NSW residents who want to get skilled for a first job, a new job or a better job will have more opportunities to access fee-free training. The joint NSW/Federal Government funded JobTrainer program provides fee-free training in response to the impact of COVID-19. For more information on eligibility and locations of the fee-free training courses across NSW including online, visit https://education.nsw. gov.au/skills-nsw.
Safer Havens For DV Victims: The NSW Government is investing over $500,000 for security upgrades at more than 80 women’s refuges across NSW to protect women and children leaving domestic violence. The security upgrades will include replacing external fluorescent emergency lighting with energy-efficient vandal-proof lights and the installation of additional external illumination in poorly lit areas, including front and back yards, pathways, garages and other outdoor structures.
Flood Risk Managerment: Forbes Shire Council is seeking input from the community to help revise its Flood Risk Management Study and Plan. Council is looking for information, anecdotes, stories and images from the 2016 and 2021 floods to help inform the revised plan. Council is providing a variety of opportunities for the community to have input into this survey: Complete the survey online at YourSay Forbes: https://yoursay.forbes.nsw.gov.au/forbes-floodplain-risk-management-study-and-plan-consultation, complete a paper form, or email flood@forbes.nsw.gov.au. There will be a drop-in session on Friday, 2nd September from 9am-5pm at the Council Office.