Start The School Year On A Positive Note
While your kids might be worried or excited about new friends and teachers, mums have to be organised, create routines and support children. Here are some tips.
- Easy lunch boxes: get healthy lunchbox ideas and plan accordingly.
- Washing: look at tips to make your washing crease-free to save
time on ironing.
- Organised mornings: this is the key to starting the day happy
and prepared.
- Keep time: Explaining time, routines and showing children how
to read the time will give them the power to keep themselves or-
- Breakfast: Kids as young as four or five can get a bowl of cold
cereal, and the older ones can learn to safely use the toaster or
- Labels: Label all your child’s belongings. Encourage your child
to dress themselves so they can manage taking jumpers or coats on and off at school. Explain the concept of lost property, so they know how to find lost items.