Since the announcement of the huge investment for the Inland Rail Project there is no stopping the Parkes Shire Council in its drive to put Parkes on the map.
Council’s pitch to international electronic commerce giant Amazon with a fun video posted online last week has received an overwhelming response.
After the online retail giant made it known they will establish a fulfilment centre in the country next year, Parkes Shire Council pitched our town as the perfect location to house the Australian arm of Amazon.
Parkes’ strategic location to deliver solu- tions and opportunities for the Amazon business model is highlighted in the quirky one minute video.
Parkes Shire Mayor, Cr Ken Keith OAM said: “The video was designed to showcase Parkes’ strengths as a major logistics hub, whilst also reflecting the essence of our town by letting its personality shine through featuring the iconic Radio Telescope and the world famous Parkes Elvis Festival.”
As Parkes is situated at the intersection of the Newell Highway and major railways linking all major ports in Australia, 80% of the country can be reached overnight.
“Capitalising on these strategic advan- tages, we believe that Parkes offers major distributors such as Amazon a myriad of opportunity,” said the Mayor.
The Inland Rail Project will complete the connection of the Parkes region to global markets via all the major ports of Australia, placing the Central West region into an economically advantageous position.
Parkes is the first point from Sydney where containers can be double stacked on rail, and offers B-double access on all major road routes.
Parkes is also a critical node on the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail project which received one of the largest investments ever in regional Australia of $8.4 billion.
According to Council, the Parkes National Logistics Hub offers choice and solutions that are cheaper, faster, easier and more efficient than alternative offerings. Investing in Parkes means lower overhead costs and greater profits as warehousing costs are at least 50% cheaper than Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane. Fully serviced industrial land is one tenth of the cost compared to Sydney.
“Council will continue to seek out these opportunities in order to generate positive outcomes for our community and ensure it all adds up to a vibrant Parkes Shire region”, the Mayor added.
For more information about the Parkes Logistics Hub visit View the Amazon video at lpEeWeLl1C0