Parkes Phoenix

A Revoltionary Treatment For Vision Correction Is Available For The First Time In Parkes

Maree, Justin, Amanda from Parkes Eyecare Plus.

At Hansen’s Eyecare Plus in Parkes, we are excited to now be able to offer Orthokeratol­ogy, also known as Ortho K. We have been successfully using Ortho K in our Orange practice for nearly a decade and now have the equipment to also be able to provide the service at our Parkes practice.

Have you heard of Orthokeratology? Or­tho K is a safe and reversible non-surgical form of vision correction for myopia (short-sightedness) that eliminates the need for glasses or contact lenses during the day.

A specially designed contact lens is worn while sleeping each night. This lens gently flattens the shape of the cornea, allowing for clear vision that lasts throughout the entire day after the person wakes up and removes the lenses.

Ortho K is a great alternative to laser vi­sion correction surgery for those that are apprehensive about eye surgery or who find the costs associated with laser surgery too high. It is suitable for almost anyone with myopia especially those that find glasses or contacts not suitable to their work envi­ronment, people that play sports or are in­volved in water activities. It is also a great treatment for children as it is proven to stop or slow down the progression of their myo­pia.

Ortho K is a reversible procedure. The Australian Therapeutics Goods Administra­tion recognises the use of Ortho K lenses.

The risk of infection with Ortho K wear has been shown to be no higher to that of wear­ing soft contact lenses overnight.

The first step is to book an appointment today at Hansen Eyecare Plus in Parkes or Orange where one of our optometrists can check whether you are a suitable candidate for Ortho K.

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