Wiradjuri artist, Lakkari Pitt, has installed a stunning representation of the journey from Link Up to Year 6 and beyond titled ‘Forbes North Journey’ which is painted on the wall looking toward the Facey and Thomson Street intersection. This artwork represents the first stage of a large-scale program embedding First Nation’s cultural presence within the school grounds at an unprecedented level.
Term one at Forbes North Public School started with significant improvement projects initiated to commence a major revitalisation of the school infrastructure, appearance, and image. This included painting and decorating of classrooms, multiple accessibility ramps and landscaping.
New resources were applied to Wiradjuri language programs and the renowned Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is now operating three days every week.
Forbes North commenced the 2023 school year with 240 students in 13 classrooms and is fully staffed with high quality teaching and learning occurring from Link Up to high school transition and beyond to Forbes High School.
During term one, the local community were welcomed into the school to attend a community breakfast and barbecue, as well as an opportunity to attend ‘Connect Meet’ parent teacher interviews. This evening attracted over 150 students and their families.
The school also hosted a Harmony Day barbecue and welcomed Uncle Larry Brandy to retell significant Dreaming and cultural stories.
Forbes North plays host to the Launching Rocket Learners Workshops for parents and brings together young mothers and their children to a variety of events such as the monthly Australian Breastfeeding Association meetings, weekly Baby Sensory Group meetings, Thump Jump Rhyme focusing on music for early childhood with the Mitchell Conservatorium of Music, Forbes Community Playgroup for babies and young children and Rhyme Time in conjunction with Forbes Library.
Students enjoyed a successful Easter Hat Parade this week and have additionally, proudly participated in Clean Up Australia Day, International Day of People with Disabilities, Premiers Reading Challenge, Eco Sustainability Day and the Indigenous Insights performance at Forbes Town Hall.
The school is leading the Forbes Junior AECG, has attended multiple sporting carnivals at school and zone level and all the while settled into the academic rigour of a school year which is full of possibilities and exciting challenges.
See you all in term two!