Spring is traditionally known as a bustling, busy time where everything and everyone gets a new lease of life, so surely it’s the best time of year for a house sell? Well, apparently not. According to real estate agents autumn is the season in which you’re far more likely to sell your property.
While it’s true that people become more active as the weather begins to warm, potentially leading to a larger amount of buyers, a lot of other sellers have the same idea and the market can become flooded with listings, drowning yours out in the process.
Real estate agents are often more successful at converting a listing into a sale in autumn rather than spring thanks to quality over quantity, fewer listings mean more chance of a sale. December and January are the months where people take holidays and have time to research the market so by the time they’re ready to make a decision autumn is upon them. It’s a good idea to prepare you property advertising in the lead up to this season and don’t forget to play up to your outdoor assets if you have an outdoor yard or garden. Autumn is a beautiful season with lots of colour so a few trees with changing leaves and well placed ornaments can really make your house stand out from the rest.