The rails on the 9th bridge lowered, ready for the overflow of water.
The impact of flood waters in the Forbes Shire has been felt by many, with varying results.
At the Forbes Golf Course the staff were mowing the greens and as much of the fairways and rough to ensure the flood waters would flow and disperse more easily. They also cleaned up around trees and structures to reduce the opportunity for flotsam to be caught.
Preparations included picking up the tee markers, mats on the practice fairway, rubbish bins, large sand buckets, signs around the course, and anything else that could float away. Covers to the electrical equipment for the irrigation system were checked to ensure they did not drift away and leave a hole for someone to fall into.
Final preparations were to lower the hand rails on the 9th walk bridge, raise the equipment in the workshop as high as possible, and to move the equipment to as high a ground as possible. This did not prove totally successful, but saved some significant impacts.
Once the waters subside the first actions will be to wash the greens and remove any silt, thus allowing them to dry. The irrigation water pumps will need servicing, as also will the mowers and other equipment before use. Inspection across the whole course will be made to identify those sites needing repair.
The irrigation system will be flushed and all electrics checked, then a test operation will be made. And flotsam and debris will be removed.
The time taken for the flood waters to subside is unknown. Obviously, this will have an effect on the golf programme, on the Summer Sixes competition, and also impact the programme schedule for next year.
As soon as possible the club officers will notify players of the arrangements for the return to our game.
By Short Putt