Parkes Show will be back, better than ever in 2021.
The Parkes P A & H Association advised last week that due to the uncertainty around the rules and regulations of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Parkes Show has unfortunately been cancelled.
The show was scheduled to be held from Monday, 31 August to Wednesday, 2 September however the committee believe the cancellation is in the best interest of the community at this time.
“To all of our valued sponsors, volunteers and stewards, thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to working with you all to make our Parkes Show in 2021 even greater,” said Peter Unger, Parkes P A & H President.
There are also some major works currently taking place at the showground with the Luncheon Room & Grandstand receiving a face lift as well as the construction of a new Animal Nursery also taking place.
These works are happening with Public Works NSW through the funding that was received from the Federal Government. It would have been a race to have all these works completed by show time.
We look forward to celebrating the 140th Parkes Show in 2021 when it returns better than ever with all the new upgrades to the showground.